Toilet Training Diary Guidelines
How to start and complete a Toilet Training Diary.
- Create an account here.
- Login to your account.
- Answer* a few questions about the setting and the child which is toilet training.
*Answers should be specific to the child you are creating the diary for.
- Create a calendar by choosing a starting date* for your diary.
* The date can be up to a year in the past.
- Create monthly* diary entries**.
* New months will appear once they have started.
**When you select the event 'My child is clean and dry all of the time’ a button allowing you to finish the toilet training diary will appear. Only click on it if you are certain the child is trained and unlikely to regress fully.
- Finish* Toilet Training Diary.
*You will be asked to answer 3 questions about the experience as a whole and submit your diary.
**If you have multiple children, you will be able to add another child by pressing the ‘Add child’ button. You will be asked to answer the same questions as per child 1.